Monday, June 20, 2016

Which Club Penguin Mascot Am I?

hello! I saw this quiz on Pingping's blog and wanted to see what result I would get. well, here we go. first question. what is your favorite genre of music? I like all these genres, to be honest. besides rock and heavy metal. I'll choose dubstep. 

question 2: you are stranded on a desert island, you can bring one thing with you. what do you choose? um, I think this one is obvious.a solar powered mini rocket, duh! (justkiddingichosethebook)

question 3: you forgot you had homework that's due in for tommorrow. it's getting late. what do you do?(do these people know me? I think they do.) 

question number 4: it's your birthday (you can be the mc) and your parents want to take you out. where do you decide to go? to be honest I would stay home and eat ketchup. I wonder why this isn't one of the options...

last question! you're stuck at home and bored. what do you do? 100% take a walk by myself.

welp, my result is Sensei:

you are quiet and thoughtful. as they say, wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something. you prefer to sit on your own and ponder rather than join large groups. but for exactly that, your close circle of friends admire you.

well I am pretty great.. ;)


  1. I think I got Aunt Arctic at the end. XD

    1. i can believe that 😃 you are a great author!

    2. and im just sitting here like "i got a majestic 80 year old sensei. nice to meet you" XD

    3. Sensei is very majestic at Card-Jitsu but not very majestic at Sled Racing. Seriously, that could cause serious injuries...

      Well, he's Sensei! He might have his own ways. :D

  2. I got Gary the Gadget Guy..
