Monday, June 13, 2016

My Summer Routine

hi guys! I thought it would be a fun idea if you could see what my summer days are like in Club Penguin. first I wake up.                      


...wait, do I?

there we go! ok, maybe I wake up a little late. (Andrew: THREE HOURS ISN'T A "LITTLE"!) ahAHAHA ok...

now, I get dressed and watch YouTube. 

then, I take Meyra for a walk. the best time to walk a white puffle is in the summertime when their power to freeze things is much appreciated.  oh, sorry about what she did to the town by the way.

somewhere along the way, we'll grab some lemonade. I meAN WE PAY FOR IT OF COURSE HAHAHA! don't worry, Meyra. I can always "borrow" money from andrew. andrew: CAROLINE? I'M MISSING A DOLLAR!

heheh. dont worry bro, I gotchu!

then, Meyra and I go to the pizza place. I swear, that's where all my money has gone. but it's worth it. I have a ton of friends that go with me. 

we then go home and watch some hockey on the TV. Gotcha Gold screams at the TV and tries to teach my brother how to make popcorn. it smells like burning. I know, exciting, huh? 

then, I go back to bed! I don't fall asleep for a while. I really can't. But hey, that's what youtube is for, right?

that's it! if you enjoyed this post, please share it and leave a comment. waddle on!

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