Friday, June 17, 2016


hey guys! as a request from Flip Flap15, I will be trying this is another one of the modified private servers on Club Penguin. today I was feeling very "swaggy" (or however the kids say), so coffee.

I noticed a lot of the loading screens said to do things with your friends, and I decided, "hey, I'm popular. I'll give it a try".

I asked my friends Billy and Sarah to grab a latte with me, and they said yes. problem is, they didn't know each other, or so I thought... 

it got really awkward. and if you know me, I just love to make things even worse.

they kicked me out of the coffee shop. plus my friends hate me now. so much for that idea. however, I quickly made a new friend. I met 
(him?) at the beach. we took a shellfie. 

he told me I would make an excellent Cadence. I borrowed her hair...and this happened..

I think I am the most qualified to be Cadence because I am clearly very experienced on pengur. honestly, I have the most experience.

oh, reality. oops. well, that's all I'm gonna play for today. I really like and  I reccomend that you try it out.

waddle on!


  1. "Honestly, I have the most experience."

    "You are 2 days old."

    I DIED. XD

    1. 2 days old and already banned from the coffee shop XD

    2. You should start a riot in front of the Coffee Shop. Wait...that isn't going to work. XD

    3. i wish i could except when i tell people why i got banned in the first place, they won't want to help me. XD
