Friday, July 29, 2016

Red Eyes - Part Three

before you read this, read Red Eyes - Part Two. thank ya!

I could sort of make out a ghastly face, like his features were made of mist. His long black cloak seemed completely still. He spoke in a dark and quiet voice, "I want your soul. I need it." He began to lean back, all of the mist inside of his hood rearranging quickly into nothing in particular. And then, suddenly, everything went black. 



And more black. 

I feel like I'm falling in the blackness, and all i can see is my arms and hands spread out in front of me. 

I abruptly landed on a soft cushion in the perfect position. The blackness was suddenly in my control, so I opened my eyes to see that I had been sleeping in my bedroom. "whew" I thought. "what a dream." Truly, I have nightmares all of the time. But none of them were ever that real. So, I walked into my closet to pick out something to wear for this very normal afternoon. Ugh, I can't find anything to wea-- "ThIs..." came a voice from another room. "uhhh, ma?" I said, startled by the sudden noise. "hAH--a. You thoUGh/error/t tHat this 9) Was Over?" The voice sounded familiar... like Red Eyes. I panicked, looking around. "wELL, I&T'S nOt." I thought, this can't be real. I backed away, towards my wall, and then felt something stiff behind me. Too nervous to turn around, I started walking out of the room. Or at least I thought I could, until the grip of bone-hard hands tightened on me.  "You arE nO-Ot get_ting aWay. I"ll Ha VE YOUR soul." I closed my eyes tight shut, getting ready to meet my doom...

(Red Eyes Part Four Coming Soon)


  1. *facepalm* vhat. XD

  2. that was a very black minded comment. heck, i'll change my blog theme to black. XD
