Friday, July 29, 2016

Red Eyes - Part Two

Before you read this, Red Eyes- Part One.
I heard the creaking up the stairs. I felt my hands shaking and the floorboards making that eerie creak. In desperation, I threw myself under my bed. There were so many questions I had. Who is this "Red Eyes"? Or what? I didn't exactly have time to think of answers, because the creaking was getting louder, and louder. Though I knew hiding would not save me, I still attempted to throw pillows in front of me as a sort of barricade. The footsteps had reached the top of the stairs...
"Red Eyes is upstairs."
Yeah, I got that I thought. It was silent, in a creepy way, as all silences are. But this was different. Not awkward, not terrifying. Just suspenseful. What was going to happen....? The footsteps were getting closer. Closer still....
In my room walked a man, dressed in black, with red eyes. I'd never seen anything like it, but that didn't stop me from being quiet. Despite my pillow barricade, the man ripped me out from under my bed in a vicious manner. Still, I dared not speak, I didn't know what this man was after, and how weak he was. "Do you know what all those disappearings were?!" he asked me. It was either a rhetorical question, or he was desperate to know the answer. Again, I didn't say anything back. Like the screen on my iPhone, TV, and computer, his face began to turn a grey-ish black. "ME." he said. It was rhetorical. Then....nothing.
(Part Three Coming Soon)

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