Saturday, July 2, 2016

Finding Dory Party Anticipations.

hey guys. i'm gonna do this new series where i talk about what i think the next parties are gonna be like. let's begin. so, everyone knows there was that period in which club penguin was super lazy and had a ton of sponsor parties. i don't think they can do much worse than the frozen parties though. you know, even though even though it is an promo party (as i like to call them), i really think it will be interesting. they haven't done an underwater theme in a while, so i'm super excited to see their take on it. the clothing catalog might be a little cringey. either the clothing catalog or the party catalog will have a dory costume. *shudders* i don't know why cp has been doing this lately. it's club penguin, not club literally every other animal on the planet. i just really hope that they decorate more rooms like they did with the zootopia party. that was the most decorated i've seen a party in a while from cp :) as for the furniture catalog, it might also be re used furniture items. maybe a couple more new ones. they are actually pretty unpredictable. but aside from that, i really think that this party is going to be good. another thing, if you haven't seen the actual movie yet, i reccomend it. strongly. it's a nice movie to be honest. wayy better than i thought it was going to be. go see it! well, that's all for today. +1 if you want more posts like this. until next time!


  1. The Zootopia party may be the most decorated party in the game but it was so decorated that the team was too lazy to implement actual challenges into the game.

    Hopefully that they did something cool on the upcoming takeover.

    1. i hope so, like maybe a mini game or a quest or something like that.
