Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How to Annoy People in the Pizza Parlor on Club Penguin

hello, and welcome back to my blog! before i start this post, here's the ((disclaimerdisclaimerdisclaimer)). now, i would never do these things. i'm a sweet angel who would never do anything wrong. but, if you do them, have fun and remember that some people may get very, very ticked off at you. now enough of that. let's get to the good stuff! >:D

my first tip on annoying people in the pizza parlor is to bring a puffle with you. particularly a noob puffle. it takes up extra space on the seat. try to sit down just before someone else was about to.

if anyone is sitting across from you, ask them what they are doing, or if your'e feeling adventurous, go over to their seat and use the heart emoji. it's super cringeworthy. 😄😄

when it's a busy day at the pizza parlor, hide under a table. particularly the table of a couple who are on a date. 

great job! now, try to make conversation with the couple if you can. it will block their speech bubbles, annoying them. if they left, which is likely, keep the boyfriend/girlfriend's player card up. when they leave, click the igloo icon to go to their igloo. hide behind one of the furnitures and just wait! (wait a minute, why do i know this? guess i'm just that annoying. XD)

then, just wait there until they find you. oh, and don't forget to spam them with friend requests! ^3^

well, that's all the tips i have for now. good luck, and if anyone asks, i did not give you these tips. ok? ok! thanks for reading and until next time...

waddle on!


  1. Around 2011, I would go under the tables on the Pizza Parlor and pretended that I was a talking candle. (The old table design has a candle on the top of it)

    I was only trying to find friends. ;n;

    1. :') i remember i used to be a waitress and try to make conversation. the customers probably didn't want to do anything with me. XD

    2. You: Hello, Miss!

      Customer: Hi.

      You: May I help you?

      Customer: I'd like to order cheese pizza, please.

      You: Coming right up! *goes to the kitchen* Here you go, Miss! *gives the pizza*

      Customer: Thanks. *eats pizza*

      You: So...what do you like to do when you're free?

      Customer: *continues eating*

      You: ... Alright, then. How about-

      Customer: *walks out while leaving tips on the table*

      You: ... i cri everytim.

    3. MMEEE ;-;

      me: well, see you later, right? our date's still on, right?

      customer: uhhh...

      me: have a nice day--

      customer: closes the door

      me: bud.
