Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Upcoming Party...

hi guys! today i was informed by club penguin of something insane. something insanely awful. help. 

nooooo! i can't do it, y'all, i really can't. the first time was fun. alright? sure, it was a sponsor party, but it was still really fun! the second time, everyone knew that it was a repeat of the first frozen party. so i think we know what to expect for the 3rd party. i might make a full rant on this. be warned. XD

until next time,

waddle on!


  1. Megg also confirmed that September will be a 'good' month, which means a month we all might enjoy.

    We'll just have to wait and see, then.

    1. how is that a good month? a lot of people are starting school still around that time. :<

    2. That does not count. XD

    3. i'm sorry you start so early. XD

    4. It's not a problem. XD
